
角田 明照
Naritasan Shinshoji
Myosho Tsunoda

About me

Myosho Tsunoda, the chief priest of Naritasan Shinshoji Temple
I was born into a family of psychics, and since childhood I have interacted with people who are generally invisible,Together with my parents, I have listened to the cause of people's problems and solutions to their problems, performed exorcisms, and solved their problems.

I took over Naritasan Shinjoji Temple from my father in 2012.

Since then, I hold monthly Goma ceremonies and ancestor memorial services on behalf of my father.

ascetic practices practices I've done so far

Goma ascetic practice

Climbing mountains to worship the gods enshrined in the mountains

Shikoku pilgrimage 5 times

Chichibu pilgrimage 5 times

Visiting temples and shrines, too many to count

In a certain period of time

30,000 times of wutitoudi 

(throwing down the whole body on the ground)

50,000 times of Fudo Myoo mantra

10,000 times of Heart Sutra


First time met
Enno Ozuno


To begin with, the reason why I was led to this path is that I was born into a family with psychic abilities. Shortly before I turned three years old, Enno Ozuno (later to become the Great Bodhisattva Jinben), the founder of Shugendo, as I mentioned earlier, appeared to me.

At that time, I loved to play alone and watch the stream near my house.

That day, as I was watching the stream flow, I saw an old man approaching me, sitting from my west side. Feeling strange, I returned home and ran to the bathroom. Then I saw an old man sitting in front of the bathroom door. It became more and more fun, and I would hide here and there in the house, open the door a little, and there would be that old man, and repeat.But when I went to the temple hall, he disappeared.

 When I told my mother what had happened that day, my parents were flustered. Their emphasis was on Shugendo. Unfortunately, we did not worship the founder of Shugendo, the Great Bodhisattva Jinben, at Narita-san temple. Immediately, my parents asked an acquaintance to carve a statue of the Great Bodhisattva Jinben, and the figure was the same as the one I had seen.
Shortly before I turned three years old, I met a sitting grandfather = Enno Ozuno, the founder of Shugendo, who opened my psychic ability.

What is GOMA?

Goma is a holy fire ceremony in India religion. The Sanskrit 'homa'(meaning & offering) was translated into 'Goma'. It is also said that Zoroastrian rituals have entered Buddhism.

In that Goma ceremony, the priest considers 'Goma-gi' (small sticks of holy wood) as our worldly desires, causes of troubles, and burns it with the holy wisdom fire of Fudomyoo, (the main Buddhist god of this temple, usually called Ofudosama ) one of the Buddhist god. 

Thanks to this, we can get rid of evil spirits, calamities and hardships. In addition, the priest invites Ofudosama, and various the Buddhist gods in the Goma, and offer offerings to play for our happiness. 

The flame rises high into the air three times during the Goma. This phenomenon is a sign that each god appeared. Strangely enough, no matter how high the flame rises, it will never spread to the paper called ' Tengai ' which is hung from the ceiling of Gomadan. (in esoteric Buddhism, Gomadan is a place where fire is lit during Goma)

 Especially in this temple, ' Tengai ' ; paper canopy is used to do Goma.

The size of ' Tengai ' is said to indicate the power of the gods. There are a lot of hanging paper (are used to like the Buddhist gods) around it to create the barrier ·to protect the holy space.

Schedule of Goma at Enzan naritasan Shinshoji

First day of every month(19:45~)
First Sunday of every month(13:45~)
The schedule may change depending on circumstances.

Fudo Myoo

Fudomyoo is the incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai, the supreme god of esoteric Buddhism.

There are many kinds of the Buddhist gods such as Kannon and Fudomyoo. 

All the Buddhist gods connected to Dainichi Nyorai (regarded as the cosmos), and each Buddha has a role. 

Dainichi Nyorai changes its form as needed to save us. Ofudosama has an anger look on his face because he has a role in helping people by cutting evil and guiding them.

He carries a burning flame on his back. 

This flame will burn out all kinds of obstacles. 

In his right hand he holds a sword to cut off all worldly desires and evils, and in his left he holds a rope to guide people in the right way.

Fudomyoo is the incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai, the supreme god of esoteric Buddhism.

There are many kinds of the Buddhist gods such as Kannon and Fudomyoo. 

All the Buddhist gods connected to Dainichi Nyorai (regarded as the cosmos), and each Buddha has a role. 

Dainichi Nyorai changes its form as needed to save us. Ofudosama has an anger look on his face because he has a role in helping people by cutting evil and guiding them.

He carries a burning flame on his back. 

This flame will burn out all kinds of obstacles. 

In his right hand he holds a sword to cut off all worldly desires and evils, and in his left he holds a rope to guide people in the right way.


554 Tino Enzan Koushu-shi Yamanashi-ken Japan
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